Neurocysticercosis: Tape worm in the brain.

MRI showing neurocysticercosis

Did you know that you can get tape worm in the brain? It goes by the fancy name of neurocysticercosis. It is a tape worm infection you can contract from eating infected pork. So, be sure to cook pork properly.

Neurocysticercosis is a serious disease that kills about 10% of the patients who develop the condition.  It is the most common cause of acquired epilepsy, meaning epilepsy not caused by genetic or congenital abnormalities. In addition to epilepsy, neurocysticercosis can cause brain damage, leading to permanent neuropsychological impairment.

You can see an example of a terribly infected brain in the image above. The small white spots represent tapeworm.  Isn’t it spectacular? Often, the tape worm dies off and calcifies, which makes it show up very white on the scan.

This 41-year old man had bad headaches and epileptic seizures for a month. His condition then deteriorated and he lost consciousness and was rushed to hospital. A tracheostomy was necessary because he was unable to breath by himself. A scan done two weeks later showed no meaningful change. The doctors were able to wean him off the ventilator but his neuropsychological condition was unchanged. Despite treatment, two months later he was still severely ill and barely responsive. At that stage, his eyes were open, but he could hardly move. and he remained in a minimally conscious state. Read more on this case in the Indian Journal of Critical Care.


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