Neuroplasticity is critical to brain function. It’s so critical, that without it, you would die! Wow! That’s a surprising statement. Amazingly, it’s true. Neuroplasticity is all about how your brain forms new connections, how your brain rewires itself. And for any brain, that’s a core function. As pumping is to hearts, so forming new connections…
The Horror of Wildfires: Smoking out our Beautiful Brains
The Surprising Connection Between Wildfire Smoke and Brain Health: What You Need to Know Wildfires are getting worse. Look at what has happened in California, Greece, in Portugal. Of course, with global warming, you can be sure that there will be more devastating wildfires. Wildfires are not only ravaging the environment and endangering communities, but…
The Remarkable Phenomena of Mad Cows, Knotted Nerves & Misfolded Proteins
The Classic Case of Misfolded Proteins Did you know that misfolded proteins cause Mad Cow Disease? Strictly speaking, people don’t get Mad Cow Disease. Instead, cows do! Duh! When people eat the meat of infected cows, then they get Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CKD), a kind of dementia. CKD is bad news and kills you quickly. Probably…
The Awesome Complexity & Astonishing Beauty of Proteostasis
Misguided & Misguiding: Misfolded Proteins Proteostasis is the system our bodies use to keep proteins in functional balance. Normally, it works brilliantly. However, misfolded proteins arise when proteostasis goes wrong. This is more likely to happen the older you get. Now, you might think that misfolded proteins are not a big deal but you’d be…
Amazing Potential Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting For Dementia
Recent research in humans shows that intermittent fasting results in greater diversity of the gut microbiota. Furthermore, intermittent fasting resulted in weight loss, reduced inflammation and enhanced immune response. In particular, intermittent fasting decreased sugar and increased dietary fibre. Unfortunately, human studies on the potential benefits of intermittent fasting for dementia have yet to be…
The Surprise of High-Fat Diet, Brain Swelling and Memory
If you’re eating a high-fat diet, you could be causing inflammation in your brain! High-fat diet? Think burgers and ‘some fries with that.’ Pizza and fast food chicken. Think potato chips and pretzels. Biscuits, doughnuts, and ready-to-eat microwave meals. These are all examples of foods that are part of a high-fat diet. We know these…
New Evidence Shows Breathing In Air Pollution Linked To Alzheimer’s
Toxic air pollution increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. The closer you live to major roads, the higher the chances that you’ll develop Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Oddly, traffic air pollution makes no difference to your risk for Parkinson’s disease (PD) or multiple sclerosis (MS). What a remarkable statement!! I love research of this kind; this…
Rotten Teeth make for a Rotten Brain
Oral bacteria in Alzheimer’s brains. Rotten teeth are associated with dementia. Recently, researchers were amazed to find a seven-fold increase in bacterial counts in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. The increase was mainly due to the presence of oral bacteria, the bugs that make up the microflora of the mouth. A number of…