Image depicting neuroplasticity

An Awesome Neuroplasticity Power Surge to Boost Recovery

Neuroplasticity is critical to brain function. It’s so critical, that without it, you would die! Wow! That’s a surprising statement. Amazingly, it’s true. Neuroplasticity is all about how your brain forms new connections, how your brain rewires itself. And for any brain, that’s a core function. As pumping is to hearts, so forming new connections…

The Awesome Complexity & Astonishing Beauty of Proteostasis

Misguided & Misguiding: Misfolded Proteins Proteostasis is the system our bodies use to keep proteins in functional balance. Normally, it works brilliantly. However, misfolded proteins arise when proteostasis goes wrong. This is more likely to happen the older you get. Now, you might think that misfolded proteins are not a big deal but you’d be…

Image of the active zone of a synapse.

The Amazing Microanatomy of the Synapse

Synaptic Update Wow, what a fascinating take on the synapse!  Compare these two images of the active zone of a synapse.  One (Figure 2 below) is easily recognized as a typical textbook rendition of a synapse, but the other not (Figure 1).  The image that looks like hallucinatory spaghetti comes from a relatively recent paper…